How to Get Coffee Stains Out of Carpet?

It’s not the end of the world if you spill coffee! You can prevent a permanent stain on your carpet by following these simple steps.

It is inevitable that you (or someone else) will spill coffee on your carpet at some point in your life. Almost all of us fill our cups to the brim with that hot, dark, caffeinated goodness! The process of removing coffee stains from carpet is extremely straightforward.

While your first instinct might be to refresh your cup then deal with the spill, it’s important to act quickly, since the longer you delay, the higher the chances of a permanent stain developing. Depending on what you have on hand, you can use different methods to remove a coffee stain. You’ll also want to know these tips on how to remove stains if you spill more than just coffee.

What you will need:

You can treat a coffee stain on your carpet with the following products depending on the method you choose:

  • Soap Dawn Ultra Original Dishwasher
  • Water that is warm
  • Microfiber cloth in white

How to remove fresh coffee stains

  1. You should always start by blotting the stain with a rag, removing as much liquid as possible.

  2. Mix one-fourth of a teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent with one cup of lukewarm water to create a detergent solution. Laundry detergents may contain optical brighteners (fluorescent dyes) that dye fabrics. Avoid automatic dishwashing detergents, as they may contain bleaching agents. Is it a great option? Dawn Original. Here are some other homemade carpet cleaners that are guaranteed to remove stains.

  3. Test your solution on a small patch of your carpet before using it to make sure it won’t damage or remove the color of your carpet. Gwen Whiting, co-founder of The Laundress, suggests testing an inconspicuous area before cleaning carpet or upholstery for the first time.

  4. Apply a small amount of detergent solution to a white microfiber cloth. Do not rub it in. To prevent spreading the liquid, work gently from the edges of the spill to the center. After applying the solution, allow it to set for a few minutes.

  5. Use a dry cloth to blot the area. Repeat the step if the stain appears to be fading and transferring to the cloth. It may take several attempts to fully remove the coffee stain, so be patient. Try one of the alternative solutions below if the stain persists after several attempts.

Rinse the fiber with lukewarm tap water to remove the cleaning solutions. According to The Carpet and Rug Institute, failing to completely rinse the solutions from the fiber may accelerate soiling. The CRI. Blot and dry the area completely after removing all residue.

How to remove coffee stains with other solutions


You can clean up coffee spills on your carpet with white vinegar’s acid. A mixture of one cup white vinegar and two cups water is recommended by the CRI. Following the same steps as above, apply the vinegar solution, wait a few minutes, blot, repeat, and then rinse. If you are trying to figure out how to remove coffee stains from clothes, you can use white vinegar.

Hydrogen peroxide

To remove a coffee stain from a white or light carpet, you can use hydrogen peroxide solution. In a small bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide with 3 tablespoons of warm water (not hot). This would be used in the same way as dish soap. If you are unsure whether the solution will bleach your carpet, you should spot test it first.

Baking soda

The coffee spill on the carpet can be cleaned by mixing three parts water with one part baking soda. After it has dried, vacuum it up. You may need to repeat the process if the stain remains.

Stain removers

Wet a product like The Laundress Wash & Stain Bar and apply it directly to the stain. Brush it into the fabric. Let it sit for five minutes. To avoid leaving a watermark, wet a microfiber towel with warm water and blot the area completely. This process should be repeated until the coffee stain is no longer visible. The process cannot be used on carpets made of coir, sisal, or other similar natural fibers since they tend to mildew and may leave permanent watermarks.

How to get old coffee stains out of carpet

The following steps will help you remove an old, dry coffee stain from your carpet if it occurred in the past:

  1. With a rounded spoon, gently scrape the area if the coffee stains are semi-solid, such as when creamer was spilled. After the solids have been broken up, vacuum the area.
  2. To loosen the dried coffee stain, dampen the stain with warm water. Avoid patting or rubbing it, as that could expand the stain. If you are having trouble removing fresh coffee stains, follow the instructions above.

When to stop cleaning

There comes a point when cleaning a spot may do more harm than good, Whiting warns. You should stop while you are ahead if the water or product leaves a mark or creates discoloration, the treated area is cleaner and brighter than the rest of the fabric, or the fabric ripples or wrinkles. She recommends having a professional clean the item at home if it needs further cleaning.

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